"With zeal
I am zealous
for the Lord God of Hosts."
1 Kings 19:10
Our Lady of Victory Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites Community follows the Gospel of Jesus Christ within the Roman Catholic Church, according to the tradition and inspiration of Mount Carmel.
Our members are laywomen and men who, in union with the Carmelite Orders of priests and nuns, are called to a shared journey of encounter with God, through fidelity to the Gospel, to our professed promises and the practice of contemplative prayer, and to Sacramental life of the Church. READ MORE.
As a Christian spirituality, Carmelite spirituality is a way of following Jesus Christ and walking the path of the gospel. In the Rule of St. Albert, the Christian character of Carmelite spirituality is clearly expressed as living ‘a life of allegiance to Jesus Christ’. This involves a gradual and progressive conversion and transformation – a putting on of the mind and heart of Jesus. Saints Teresa and John of the Cross, speak of prayer and contemplation as ‘friendship with God’ and ‘union with God’ respectively.
Prayer and contemplation, as a relationship with God, in and through loving friendship with Jesus Christ, is not a technique or one of the many daily activities, but embracing of one’s whole life. For the Carmelite there is no experience in one’s life that is outside the ambit of relationship with God. READ MORE.
What is a Secular Order?
Secular orders are lay members of a religious order who together with religious friars and nuns make up the family of the order.
Discalced Carmelite Seculars are practicing members of the Catholic Church who, under the protection of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and inspired by St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross, make the commitment to the Order to seek the face of God for the sake of the church and the world.
Our members, living the Life of Carmel, foster an ever-increasing awareness of being united with God in the depths of our being while leading ordinary lives in the world. As secular members, we strive to live and follow along the path in the spirit of Carmel. The spirituality is contemplative in nature and the fruit of our prayer life is brought to life by our apostolate.
Our Lady of Victory Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites Community follows the Gospel of Jesus Christ within the Roman Catholic Church, according to the tradition and inspiration of Mount Carmel.
Our members are laywomen and men who, in union with the Carmelite Orders of priests and nuns, are called to a shared journey of encounter with God, through fidelity to the Gospel, to our professed promises and the practice of contemplative prayer, and to Sacramental life of the Church. READ MORE.
Lectio Divina
"Lectio Divina literally means Sacred Reading. Bible study provides a basic foundation for lectio which is a deep, loving, reflective meditation and encounter with the Word of God. This ‘listening” to, ‘feeding upon’ and ‘resting in’ the Word is an ancient sacred artform where the Holy Spirit leads us from a deeper understanding of the Scriptures to a loving and life-changing relationship with God." READ MORE.​

Latest News
Martyrs of Compiègne
Declared Saints
16 Discalced Carmelite nuns executed in the French Revolution
Click here.
Letter from our Father General
on the Solemnity of Our Holy Mother St. Teresa of Jesus 10.15.2024
Click here.
Joint letter from O.C.D. and O.Carm. General Superiors
on the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 7.16.2024
Click here.
Apostolic Exhortation
for the 150th Anniversary of the birth of St. Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face. Click here.
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